Sunflower Bridge Journey

The 8-week online Journey for parents and caregivers who want to experience the pure relief of belonging to a truly supportive community.


Remember Community? We do. 

Over the course of eight 90-minute weekly sessions, you and up to five other parents/caregivers will have the chance to create relationships built on trust, understanding and compassion. 

Brittany C.

(Mother of 2)

"Knowing that it’s ok to not be a perfect parent 100% of the time built my confidence in my abilities to parent and I also feel more confident in really listening to myself to try to figure out what I need and when to ask for it."


All families need support to thrive. 

Susan Caruso developed the signature Sunflower Creative Arts philosophy with this reality in mind. On the Journey, you'll learn our framework for positive parenting, lovingly crafted over the last 30 years and embraced by thousands of families along the way.

The Journey begins this October! 

TBD 7:30 - 9:00 pm

8-week Online Journey


*Less than $25 per session!

  • 7 guided 90-minute Zoom sessions
  • Closing celebration & special gift
  • Reflective journal prompts
  • 24/7 access to Toolbox library & media library
  • Private group chat
Sign up now!